Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Traditional Healings

Traditionally, a member of a community would go to their medicine person and be healed. The action is part of the personal cleansing and preparation to get in touch with your spirit. The journey is about facing your fears and making a commitment. A traditional healing is a personal experience that starts your forward motion and taps you into your natural rhythm.

Cecilia is offering her community traditional healings in Ensenada. One session will get you in touch with your spirit and another a healer will work with your body. It's a personal journey where during your time, your mind, body and spirit are being healed - then you are given the knowledge and tools to carry it forward. The setting will depend on what you need, it may be in a healing room, a hike to a waterfall, a walk on the beach, gathering plants or a fireside conversation; you should bring appropriate outdoor clothing and something to carry water and snacks in.

Recommended donations are $75 to $200 a day that you spend with Cecilia, the same donation as a private healing appointment, however you have her attention for the whole day with all of her tools and resources. Here in Ensenada Cecilia can gather and prepare all of the medicinal plants for your process, she has her medicine room and prayer pit and access to sacred healing grounds which makes her work more effective.

In order to get the most benefit, it is recommended that you attend a workshop, meet Cecilia and tell her that you are preparing for a Traditional Healing. This will give you an opportunity to start your own personal process and Cecilia the opportunity to give you some helpful information so that when you do take your journey you get the most out of it.

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