A traditional payment for a medicine person is based on trust, the minimum amount is what you can honestly afford at the time. In that same tradition, after somebody is healed s/he would come back to pay again, once they started their forward motion. In a not-so-traditional sense, minimum contributions are offered in order to help keep the energy moving and ensure that Cecilia can continue with her work. In today's world, a traditional medicine shaman is working for less than minimum wage.
A Medicine Person provides spiritual help, guidance and begins the healing process. Cecilia is the facilitator and the one who taps you into your spirit, regardless of your belief system. When you are seeking assistance, it should be taken into consideration that the answer is available and the respect you pay to be helped should be on the level of a professional service. Cecilia does not turn down people who honestly don't have money to contribute, however she can't buy gas and drive to California using non-monetary personal conveyances.
When you schedule time with Cecilia for healing, she spends several days on your appointment. A couple days prior, Cecilia will spend a day preparing by gathering plants and getting in touch with your energy - during this time personal preparations are made for whatever it is that you need help with, or have to see. She brings you medicine, connects with you and provides a safe place to work with your spirit. An additional two days are consumed with her commute from Ensenada.
Cecilia will come to you and your friends or family if you put together your own circle. She is available for informative and introductory plant workshops, group healing and medicinal hikes. Suggested contributions are from $40 to $150 per person with a minimum of $400. When scheduling an individual appointment or private healing, suggested contributions start around $100. Suggested group sizes for in-home workshops and group healings are what is comfortable in your own home.
You can be a part of healing by contributing a monthly gesture. If traditional medicine, care taking of one's spirit and unity are valuable to you, $15 to $50 a month creates a resource to share Cecilia's work and amplify positive energy.
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